
Get Fit

6 Tips to Get Fit in 2015

It’s almost New Year’s, and there’s no better time than now to get fit. The following six tips will help you start—and stick with—an exercise regimen and hopefully aid in getting rid of those extra holiday pounds.

Get Fit Tip #1: Sign a Commitment Contract

Decide on a fitness goal, for instance, committing to the mini-fast with exercise program for a month, or exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes, four times a week. Come up with some disincentive that hits you where it really hurts—and for most people, that would be the wallet. Pledge a significant sum of money to your least favorite charity, payable if you renege on your commitment. Write the details of your “contract” down, sign it, date it, have it witnessed, and then—and this step is very important—make it public. Tell everybody, family, friends, and co-workers about your pledge and its consequences, and keep them abreast of your progress.

Get Fit Tip #2: Find an Exercise Buddy

It’s a lot easier to get fit and stay on track if you have another person or a group of people who share your exercise goals. My wife Connie and I have a standing walking/jogging date several times a week, and knowing that she’s counting on me helps keep me motivated. One of our clinic employees started a “Biggest Loser” competition in her neighborhood. She gets up weekday mornings for exercise sessions with her neighbors that are not only fun, but also provide a sense of camaraderie and competition that keeps everyone focused.

Get Fit Tip #3: Purchase a Pedometer and Start Walking

One of the best ways to get fit—and one nearly everyone can do—is walking. If you’re like most people, you rack up about 1,000-3,000 steps doing household chores and moving about through your day. But increasing the number of steps you take daily to 10,000 or more can have tremendous benefits on your health. An easy way to keep track of your progress is to purchase an inexpensive pedometer. These step-counting devices are available online and in drugstores and sporting goods outlets.

Get Fit Tip #4: Buy or Rent Workout Videos

Another option to help you get fit is workout videos. Yoga, aerobics, weight lifting, Tai Chi—you name it, there’s a video out there that will walk you through it. Videos are a great alternative if you’d prefer to exercise in the comfort of your own home. From beginner to advanced, you’ll find several options in various formats to suit your activity level.

Get Fit Tip #5: Vary Your Activities

One of the biggest reasons people fail to stick with an exercise program is because they get bored. In order to get fit—and stay that way—it’s important to vary your activities. Jog, cycle, swim, walk, do yoga, take a group exercise class, it doesn’t matter what you do, just get active .

Get Fit Tip #6: Don’t Use Bad Weather as an Excuse

Cold temperatures and poor weather can make exercise a drag, but don’t use them as an excuse to be a couch potato. Several of the activities mentioned above can be done right in your living room. Pop in an exercise video. Use your stairs as a stair-stepper. Buy a mini-trampoline, treadmill, or stationary bike. Join a gym. You can also pick up the pace during household chores such as dusting and vacuuming. Again, as long as you get your heart rate up and your blood pumping, it counts as exercise.

So, there you have it, my top six tips to get fit in 2015. If you have tips of your own for staying on track with exercise, I’d love to hear about them. Just comment on this blog post or send your thoughts to [email protected].


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